The ability to use holographic displays in medical technology has great potential for enhancing medical training, diagnosis, and surgery.
Holographic CT and MRI Scans
The Quantum Optics HolophotoTM Process gives a doctor the ability to observe a subject as has never before been possible. A CT-Scan or an MRI currently develops three-dimensional information about a subject. These scans produce 2-dimensional sections or slices. If these slices could be merged in 3-space, a three-dimensional view of the subject would be obtained. The difference between this and a 3-D photograph is that the subject’s interior volume would also be visible in three-dimensions. The Quantum Optics HolophotoTM Process would use computer software that merges these slice images. The innovation is in the 3-dimensional display.The HolophotoTM display is a volume that doctors can walk around or rotate. If the image is of a person’s head, the doctor can have a full 360o view of his skull. Depending upon a sensitivity setting, either the bones of the skull or the interior of the person’s head can be analyzed.
Training of Surgical Residents
With true holographic imaging, a surgical resident can train on virtual patients by playing a video game. although the surgical instruments would have the same look-and-feel as their real counterparts, they would actually be electronic styluses. As the resident inserts the instrument into the proper space, the game would react accordingly. The computer would monitor the surgeon’s movements, and would flag errors, and display patient physical reactions to the surgeon’s actions.
Remote Robotic Surgery and Dentistry
Today, doctors using robotic arms perform much surgery. One of the most useful applications of this technology is microsurgery. A surgeon looks at a greatly magnified display of the area to be operated upon, and the gross movements of his hands are translated into minute movements within the affected area.
Many regions throughout the world do not have experienced surgeons or dentists that are trained to treat specialized ailments. A local doctor or dentist might not be able to perform delicate operations on patients in remote locations. Patients needing delicate procedures to save their lives are often flown to hospital facilities in other regions that have trained personnel. It would be desirable to have robots in such places, where delicate operations could be performed remotely by experienced medical personnel. In this case, the doctor would come to the patient rather than vice versa.
Surgeons and dentists can observe their patients on video. However, they have no depth perception. Video displays are only 2-dimensional. However, if a remote true 3-dimensional display can be available to a doctor, a robot under his control may remotely perform the surgery or procedure. A true 3-dimensional display is one where the viewer can perform no visual test to determine whether what he observes is real. The doctor must be able to look around obstacles to see what is behind them. The Quantum Optics HolophotoTM Process can be used to create a robot that would permit remote delicate procedures to be performed. |